The West Midlands Business Festival (WMBF) is a new initiative from Business Growth West Midlands. The festival will run from 3rd to 14th March and will include two weeks of free events put on by businesses for the benefit of the local business community.
As well as providing two weeks of inspiration, innovation and collaboration, the festival will showcase the West Midlands as a great place to live, work and do business.
Does your office have a meeting room that can be utilised by event hosts? Do you work in a venue in the West Midlands? You could be a venue partner!
We are looking for Venue Partners who are able to support WMBF by providing their space at a free or a discounted rate for WMBF event hosts. This is a great way to give something back to your local business community, and also to bring new people into your venue. As a Venue Partner, your logo, contact details and website will be listed on the WMBF website and event hosts will be encouraged to contact you directly to see what options you have available.
If you are able to offer your space, please get in touch:
Applications to host an event are already open, and slots are already filling up! If you want to host an event in the Festival, simply submit this form with as much information as possible and the team will review it and let you know if it has been accepted or if any additional information is needed. The sooner you submit your event, the more likely you are to get your preferred time and date.
As a new initiative, we need everyone to shout about it! Whether you share a post on LinkedIn, tell your colleagues about it, or include it in your next newsletter, it all helps us to reach new audiences.
To get the latest updates, you can follow us on LinkedIn, or sign up to our newsletter.
Tickets for events will be available very shortly and can be found through our website. There will be a huge range of topics being covered over the fortnight, there will truly be something for everyone.